When it was decided that Useppa Island Club needed to have a complete website make-over, the task of shopping designers and orchestrating the renovation on behalf of our company was left up to me. I had no idea where to start, nor any clue of what to look for while in search of a quality website design team to revitalize our antiquated Useppa.com. So, I did the only thing I know to do when feeling lost, confused or otherwise clueless…I asked my wife for help.
Luckily for me, she had already gone through the process of shopping and interviewing web designers for a previous client. After nearly becoming fed up with the painstaking process, she was introduced to their team and never looked back. She told me not to bother calling anyone else. That it would be a wasted effort. And as usual, she was 100% correct.
Not only can they make a beautiful and well-thought-out website, the process they employ during the developmental phase is what truly impressed me. Their organization and focus during the laborious task of collecting, transferring and altering media and files is what allowed me to stay on track during the website rebuild all while continuing to be able to perform my day-to-day tasks for Useppa Island Club. When someone asks me (and it’s already happened) who I might suggest as a web design team, I’ll tell them exactly what my wife told me. In my option, there are no other web designers out there.
We’re pleased that our clients are able to say some nice things about us. Truth be told though, we believe we are the lucky ones. We get to work with really cool, extraordinarily clever people whose vast knowledge in industries outside of ours never ceases to amaze us. Our desire and commitment to building solid relationships with all of our clients is paramount to us.
And, don’t worry; we’re not a fair-weather friend. When you start a creative website project with us we don’t put any constraints or end dates on the support available. Think of us as your outsourced website team. Dependable and reassuring, it’s a comfort to know we’re always there for any future updates you might need. When we create your website, as you can see from the comments above, you are in good hands.